Summer 2013 in Berlin – Daddy and Daughters

Summer in Berlin is just so nice. Endless coffees, beers, drinks, breakfasts, lunches, dinners on the streets… Fixing the bikes and then bikeriding through the city, its parks and forests. Pizza from Berlin’s favorite and most delicious gay minipizza on the Massenstrasse. Ice cream next door. Then dinner at Maibach’s across the street. Yasmina enjoying a drink. Strolling along Goltzstrasse, the cafes and the craft store. That’s summer in Berlin…

… Daddy hasn’t shaved for a few days–as usual. Yasmina is writing and posting poetry on her blog (… Then, checking out the animals at the Berlin Zoo. Life is good.

And then Zara and Safiya enjoying Thai food near Winterfeldplatz. Later we head to Gartow for the family wedding. Luckily we can meet almost the entire extended family at this fairy-tale wedding. Yasmina and Zara babysit their three young cousins during the late night wedding events.

Far too soon, it is time to leave again. Another couple of days in Berlin, and then it is already time to leave… until next year or whenever…

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