
Joachim von Amsberg

Summary Bio

Joachim joined the World Bank in 1993 as an Economist and Young Professional and worked on World Bank supported environmental programs and policy studies for Argentina, Chile, and Paraguay in the Latin America and Caribbean Region, as well as policy studies in Egypt. Subsequently, he worked for many years on the World Bank’s Brazil program. He moved from the role of a sector economist (working on policy studies and projects in environmental management, rural and urban development), to country economist in the Brasilia country office (focusing primarily on poverty strategies and policies), and then to Lead Economist, at the World Bank Headquarters where he led the economic policy dialogue, analytical and advisory assistance and adjustment lending programs for the Government of Brazil.

In 2004, Joachim was appointed World Bank Country Director for the Philippines. Based on broad stakeholder consultations, he led a new World Bank strategy for enhanced support to the Philippines. This strategy supported “Islands of Good Governance” (successful experiences of public service delivery and effective public institutions) which demonstrated how improved accountability and service delivery would lead to better economic and social outcomes. Under this strategy, World Bank programs were scaled up significantly, aligned more closely with the country’s own priorities, and implemented, as far as possible, through the country’s own systems and institutions.

Joachim contributed to policy debates on the Philippines’ fiscal and social agenda. With the support of the World Bank, the Consultative Group of the Philippines was transformed into the Philippines Development Forum, a more dynamic, participatory process that included various key players in government, civil society and the private sector, and the international development community, and discussed and pursued critical reforms to support the country’s development agenda. Government’s implementation of policy reforms and the resulting fiscal turn-around during the period, led in 2006 to the World Bank’s first Development Policy Loan for the Philippines in eight years.

From 2007-2010, Joachim served as the World Bank’s Country Director in Indonesia. In this role, he oversaw one of the largest country programs and largest country offices of the World Bank. He oversaw the preparation of a new Country Partnership Strategy for 2009-2012, under the theme “Investing in Indonesia’s Institutions: For Equitable and Sustainable Development.” He led the World Bank’s support to Indonesia during the global financial crisis of 2008/9, which included a special US$ 5.5 billion contingent financing facility from the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, Japan, and Australia.

From 2010-2013, Joachim was the World Bank’s Vice President for Operations Policy and Country Services. In this role, he oversaw the World Bank’s increased focus on operational results including the introduction of a new lending product that disburses loan proceeds against development results, its management of operational risks, and its internal modernization and reform agenda.

From 2013-2016, Joachim was the World Bank’s Vice President for Development Finance (formerly Concessional Finance and Global Partnerships). In this role, he was responsible for the replenishment and stewardship of the International Development Association (IDA—the World Bank’s fund for the poorest), Global Partnership and Trust Fund Operations, trusteeship of financial intermediary funds and innovative financing, financial management of the concessional finance portfolio, as well as corporate finance and financial planning and strategy of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD). He coordinated the World Bank Group’s engagement in the 2015 Addis Ababa Financing for Development Conference under the theme “Billions to Trillions.”

Joachim was a member of the steering committee that oversaw preparation of the World Bank’s new Governance and Anti-Corruption Strategy and of several task forces to strengthen the World Bank’s programs in support of Middle Income Countries.

In 2016, Joachim was appointed Vice President for Policy and Strategy of the newly created Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). In this role, he led the development of AIIB’s first Corprate Strategy (“Financing Infrastructure for Tomorrow”) and oversaw the preparation of AIIB’s operational policies and sector strategies. In 2021, he assumed a new position as Special Advisor to AIIB President Jin Liqun.

Joachim holds a Ph.D. in Finance and Economic Policy from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, completed in 1993; an M.S. in Electrical Engineering from the Technische Universitaet Berlin, Germany, completed in 1991; and an M.B.A. major in Finance from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, completed in 1990. Joachim is a German national, and has three daughters.

Curriculum Vitae


Since 2021, Beijing, China, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), Special Advisor toe AIIB Presidient Jin Liqun.

2016-2021, Beijing, China, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), Vice President Policy and Strategy.

2013-2016, Washington, DC, USA: World Bank, Vice President Development Finance (formerly, Concessional Finance and Global Partnerships). Responsible for the replenishment and stewardship of the International Development Association (IDA), Global Partnership and Trust Fund Operations, trusteeship of financial intermediary funds and innovative financing.

2010-2013, Washington DC, USA: World Bank, Vice President for Operations Policy and Country Services (OPCS). Responsible for leading the World Bank’s Results Agenda, its operational risks, and its internal modernization and reform agenda.

2007-2010, Jakarta, Indonesia: World Bank, Country Director for Indonesia. Responsible for World Bank Program and World Bank Office in Indonesia.

2004-2007, Manila, Philippines: World Bank, Country Director for the Philippines. Responsible for World Bank Program and World Bank Office in the Philippines.

2001-2004, Washington DC, USA: World Bank, Lead Economist and Sector Leader for Brazil. Responsible for Economic Policy Dialogue, Analytical and Advisory Services, and Policy-Based Lending for Brazil.

1997-2001, Brasilia, Brazil: World Bank, Senior Economist for Brazil. Responsible for projects and policy studies on poverty reduction, social protection, rural development, urban development, and environmental policy.

1994-1997, Washington DC, USA: World Bank, Economist. Responsible for policy studies on environmental policy and decentralization in Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, and Brazil.

1993-1994, Washington DC, USA: World Bank, Young Professional. Research on deforestation issues, contributions to environmental policy studies.

1991-1993, Washington DC, USA: World Bank. Consultant. Contributions to preparation of policy studies and projects for rural development in Egypt, Yemen, and Iran


1990-1993: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration, Economic Policy Analysis and Finance, Thesis Advisors: Professor James A. Brander and Professor Kenneth MacCrimmon.

1985-1991: Diplom-Wirtschaftsingenieur (Master in Industrial Engineering), Technische Universitaet Berlin, Germany.

1988-1990: Master in Business Administration (MBA), University of British Columbia, Vancoiuver, Canada, Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration.

Other Experiences

1983-1985, Lueneburg, Germany, Compulsory Military Service, Lieutenant of Reserve.

1979-1988, Owner and manager of commercial printing and publishing business, publisher of student and youth magazines.

1980-1988, Leader in German political student and youth organizations.

1978-1988, Member and activist in German development and environment NGOs. Travel to supported rural development projects in Andhra Pradesh, India.

Publications (selected)

Joachim von Amsberg, 1992, Project Evaluation and the Depletion of Natural Capital: An Application of the Sustainability Principle.

Joachim von Amsberg, 1995, Excessive Environmental Risks: An Intergenerational Market Failure, European Economic Review, Volume 39, Issue 8 (1 October 1995).

Joachim von Amsberg, 1995, Approaches for Promoting Cleaner Production in Argentina, Brazil and Chile.

Joachim von Amsberg, 1995, Selected Experiences with the Use of Economic Instruments for Pollution Control in Non-OECD Countries.

Joachim von Amsberg, 1998, Economic Parameters of Deforestation. The World Bank Economic Review, Volume 12, No 1, 133-53.

Bryan R. Routledge and Joachim von Amsberg, 2003, Social Capital and Growth, Journal of Monetary Economics, Volume 50, Issue 1, Pages 167-193.

Main Author/Major Contributor of World Bank Reports (Selected)

World Bank, 1994, Chile – Managing environmental problems : economic analysis of selected issues, Report No. 13061-CL. Policy Report.

World Bank, 1995, Argentina – Managing environmental pollution : issues and options, Report No. 14070-AR. Policy Report.

World Bank, 1996, Paraguay – The role of the state, Report No. 15044-PY. Policy Report.

World Bank, 1996, Brazil – Managing Pollution Problems in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Report No. 15488-BR. Policy Report.

World Bank, 1998, Brazil – Managing pollution problems : The Brown Environmental Agenda, Report No. 16635-BR. Policy Report.

World Bank, 2001, Brazil – Attacking Brazil’s poverty : a poverty report with a focus on urban poverty reduction policies, Report No. 20475-BR. Policy Report.

World Bank, 2001, Brazil – Rural poverty alleviation in Brazil: towards an integrated strategy, Report No. 21790-BR. Policy Report.

World Bank, 2002, Brazil – Sustainable, Equitable, Competitive – Contributions for Debate.

World Bank, 2005, Philippines, Country Assistance Strategy 2005-2008, “Supporting Islands of Good Governance.”

World Bank, 2008, Indonesia, Country Partnership Strategy 2009-2012, “Investing in Indonesia’s Institutions: For Equitable and Sustainable Development.”


Born 1964 in Berlin, Germany

Three children: Safiya (1996), Yaz (1998), and Zara (2003)

Languages: English (fluent), German (native), Portuguese (advanced), Spanish (advanced), Indonesian (basic)



One Reply to “Bio”

  1. Hi Joachim,
    habe Dich damals, als ich von Lüneburg wegzog, aus den Augen verloren.
    Deine tolle Unterstützung bei der Erstellung der Schülerzeitung der SchülerUnion, Konfetti, war damals hervorragend. Das hat mir sogar später, bis heute noch viel mit auf den Weg gegeben.
    Schön, dass das i-net immer wieder zeigen kann, was ehemalige (Lebens-)Kontakte im Leben so erreichen und wohin es sie verschlägt.
    Thilo Ramin
    (auch wenn Du Dich nicht mehr dran erinnern wirst – aber Deine Zeit als Inhaber des Copy-Shops hinter der Wilhelm-Raabe-Schule ist Dir sicher noch in Erinnerung)

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